Thursday, June 3, 2010


I hate hectic days. There is nothing that will trigger my anxiety as quickly as being rushed. It always seems like I'll lose track of something, drop one of the balls I'm juggling, and then everything will fly apart at the seams.

Restricting a little more today. Having everything planned out is sooooo nice. Calories counted, food prepared and portion-packages. Called in late to work so that I can go to the gym. I HATE that I missed yesterday. I'm going to eat a lot of veggies and salads, so that should clear me out nicely.

Okay, so remember how I said hectic days trigger my anxiety? I didn't even make it through my shift at work (yes, this is after coming in late). I'm off for tomorrow. So I'll be broke, but relaxed. Oh well. I'm going to browse for new workout music and then hit my elliptical.

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